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Posted 22nd Oct 2021 by Kerry Thompson

My journey, my new WAV!

5 minutes read time

Have you ever been so excited about something you can’t help but think you might burst – I was like a kid in a sweet shop the day my shiny new WAV (wheelchair accessible vehicle) was delivered. Normally I am a very patient person when it comes to waiting for anything but for some reason my brain just wasn’t willing to play the ‘patient game’.

But let me put the brakes on and start from the beginning of my journey to getting my own wheelchair accessible vehicle.

For years I have talked about one day getting WAV however there was always one set back, the cost. Being disabled isn’t cheap but that’s a whole different article!

One evening I was having a girlie catch up, and that same old conversation cropped up again talking about getting a WAV but this conversation was slightly different to any others I’d had. It sparked my interest even more. My friend was going through the process of getting their own WAV, I found myself asking a hundred and one questions I needed to know everything from beginning to end.

I had heard of the Motability scheme before and many years back I even remember receiving an information pack though the post. However, I wasn’t aware of their grant scheme until my little girlie chat. And of course I looked into it more. Could the grant scheme work for me?

Blue badge at the ready ‘In the words of William Wallace ‘FREEDOM’

Why do I need a wheelchair accessible vehicle

I have a rare form of muscular dystrophy a progressive muscle wasting condition. I am unable to walk anymore so I rely on my powered wheelchair to be my legs. I had always thought that I was pretty independent, however, when I really think about it my life wasn’t that independent. If I needed to go shopping or to a hospital appointment it’s waiting for ambulance transport (It’s a great service for those who need it but very over run) or relying on a wheelchair accessible taxi and that can become quite expensive at £10 per journey. So most of the time if I couldn’t wheel there or any of the above I didn’t go anywhere.

The process 

I was pleasantly surprised when filling out the Motability scheme grant form. It wasn’t that complicated (as I’m sure some of you know anything disabled related can be a lengthy filling out form process) I will say make sure you have a tape measure to hand and someone to help because they going to need the measurements of any equipment and your wheelchair. Once you have sent the form, you will receive an email confirming your application. If you are unsure give them a call as I found them to be brilliant. They were very helpful, understanding, and willing to walk/wheel you through every question you have.

I would also recommend having a look around their website and seeing what vehicles they have available it’s always good to have an idea of what you might like and what you think suits your needs.

If you are successful, you will receive a call from your caseworker who will go through what type/size of vehicle they think you need and the grant size you are entitled to. You will then be sent either an email or letter (that’s your choice) with what to do next and a selection of vehicles and what company/ies to call to book your trial with.

My trials

The company allocated to me was GM Coachwork Group – this was my first WAV or any experience in getting a vehicle I was completely out of my depth. I called GM Coachwork and spoke with Nick who was great and put my mind at ease going through the whole process. I already had an idea of what I wanted to look at and at first it was thought by my caseworker that I’d needed a large WAV but I felt this would be too big for my needs.

I still needed to try the large so when the report went to my caseworker at Motability it could be ruled out. Nick booked two tests the large Peugeot Boxer and the smaller Ford Quantum. I only needed to wait a few weeks before a knowledgeable member of staff arrived with the vehicles.

The Peugeot Boxer is a very big beast. Great if you have more than one wheelchair or a large family, but for me it was just to big.

The Ford Custom Quantum I will let you into a little secret I was in love with this WAV at the moment it turned up. It has just the right amount of room for me and my wheelchair. I could see out the side and front windows with no problem, I had plenty of space and it was suitable for what I needed it for!

What happens next 

After each test drive your drivers will send in a report to the GM office and to Motability detailing how you got on i.e., comfort, fit and if you need extras like seats or D-rings and straps. It takes around five working days until your caseworker at Motability calls to go through the reports. Once everyone is agreed it’s signed off and you get to pick which vehicle you prefer.

I would say the car that was probably the hardest decision. With 6 to pick from we narrowed it down to 3 favourites. But we had a number one!

My phone call was on a Friday so I had to wait till Monday, as you can imagine I was wheelchair twitching all weekend to give GM Coachwork group a call – Monday came i gave Nick a call to order my shiny wheels, GM Coachwork had a stock of the Ford Quantum and I was lucky that they had one left in the colour that was our top choice. Once ordered you will receive regular updates as to when your vehicle will be delivered. Be aware It can take up to 12 weeks.

I had been talking about this moment for years and it was finely here it still feels like a dream, for the first week I did keep checking my ring door camera just to make sure it was real. What’s the saying the small things in life,

Until next time!

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